Neo Auvra

VR Wellness + Therapy Apps

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Neo Auvra
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Product Insights

With which headsets are your applications compatible? Does your company provide headsets as part of the offering?
Our assessment centers will take on the burden of personal ownership of any headset by providing all devices required for an ultimate virtual reality experience.

Product | Company | Industry Awards

Certification | Regulatory Status | Bibliography

For your main product or application, specify the name, regulatory status, and the reimbursement status, per country where it is available
Provisional patent application, assessment validation and clinical trials are ongoing.

About Us

Neo Auvra is a digital health company specialized in conducting comprehensive health and performance assessments using digital and immersive health technologies. We generate extensive reports that display an individual's cognitive, socio-emotional, and physio-physical competencies. Our cognitive & physical assessments and health interventions are specially tailored for Brain Health Optimization.