VR Wellness + Therapy Apps
United States

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Product Insights

With which headsets are your applications compatible? Does your company provide headsets as part of the offering?
Currently, TRIPP is available on all Meta devices (we recommend the Quest 2) Sony PSVR, HTC Vive Flow, and for AR, Nreal.

Product | Company | Industry Awards

Certification | Regulatory Status | Bibliography

Please provide links to bibliographic references for key published clinical studies for your main product

TRIPP provides experiences that are designed to help focus and calm you through mindfulness structures in virtual and augmented reality that can supplement and support medical treatment. TRIPP is not a medical device.

About Us

TRIPP is an award-winning breakthrough wellness platform based on scientific research. Proven to drive engagement, TRIPP’s platform is delivering wellness solutions to Fortune 1000 companies, hospitals/clinics, and consumer households, through the use of interactive immersive VR and mobile experiences. We believe in the use of technology for good.